Saturday, October 3, 2015

Reformed Theology

As I have studied, read and thought about Reformed Theology more in the past year, I am even more convinced of these concepts all throughout scripture. And we should thank God for it, because without his Grace we would all be lost in our sins. We are dark sinful people, totally depraved,not as bad as we could be but  we are capable of anything. There is no limit to the depth of sin that we are capable of. Not a popular subject today. People don't want to hear of the need of a savior. People don't want to hear of their own sinfulness. They would rather hear what Jesus can do for them. They would rather hear things that tickle their ears, smooth things, easy to hear, not a call to action for me to change anything in my life, or my behavior.
I want to talk about repentance, forgiveness, God's wrath on sinners, and how by His grace, we don't have to be condemned. Those that God has saved, are no longer under condemnation. A holy God must punish sin. That's why He sent His Son to die on the cross. he  desires sacrifice, a holy, perfect, blameless sacrifice. This is why our sin was imputed on Jesus on the cross. Not only that, but he goes further to impute Jesus righteousness on to us, so now there is no condemnation to the people of God, the elect. No one can condemn us no one can get take it away, no one can take that away.  Not the devil that is not anything in this world we are secure he will complete the work he began in us no one can snatch us out of the father's hands we have done nothing to earn salvation we can do nothing to lose it it is only by Gods grace the overused phrase there but by the grace of God go I it's actually true without God's grace will be lost in our sins unable to save ourselves we were dead in our sins notches drowning but already did at the bottom of the ocean lungs full of water not waiting for a lifesaver that already did and through his miraculous mercy you save those by His stripes we are healed we are now called holy and righteous in His sight ambulance forward to the day we'll see him in heaven total dependence on God for everything all of our needs not just our physical needs the great promises of God are true he saved us and justified us and in the process of sanctification.
                        -  T. Meiers

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