Saturday, October 3, 2015

Inerrancy of Scripture

Start with the belief that Scripture is inerrant That is the basic foundation.
Perfect, true, trustworthy, unchanging, pure, inspired, Word of God.
If there is something that you read in one book of the Bible that seems to contradict somewhere else, guess who is wrong?
If you start with inerrancy, it has to be you.
Your exegisis is wrong. It's you.
Context is so important. Who is it written to? Why is it being written? What time period? What came before and after this?
What do other parts of the Bible have to say on this same subject or area?
Many people spend time and energy trying to find one little area that they can say "Aha, I found the mistake. " Some people have made it their life's work. But, if we accept inerrancy in the beginning and all throughout, there is no need to look for any discrepancy, because there is none.
Whatever we see as a contradiction, or mistake, has to be because of us. None of us: understand God's word fully.
Mark Twain famously said "It's not the parts of the Bible that I don't understand that bother me, It's the parts I do understand."
And so if goes with us. Some, even some Christians, get so hung up on one little fact that seems like a contradiction, that they miss the parts that are clear to everyone.
When Jesus said "You must be born again" and "Go and sin no more." These are pretty clear commands.
                      -  T. Meiers

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