Monday, August 31, 2015

Man Up

For richer or poorer
In sickness or in health

If you are married you made these vows to your spouse. If you are not married yet, you will recite these words to your spouse one day. And what exactly do they mean?
Most people would say whether we have money or not, or whether we remain healthy or get sick. All thinking long term. And it's good to think long term, but it also means in the short term, tomorrow, and next week, and next month. Also 20 or 30 years from now. We don't know what will be in the future, it is an unknown. But we trust in God who holds the future. We trust in verses like Romans 8:28 and ......
that talk about God's provision and caring for our needs.
I recently heard of a couple who was splitting up after being married for 50 years the wife is 76 years old and says she is love with a man who lives over seas. She says she hasn't been happy in a long time. She is leaving behind her confused and baffled adult children and friends. Another couple I know, right after their daughter was born, he announced he didn't want to be married any more and then married some one else.
He has since repented, but the scars remain of his decisions.

All of these families caused pain that will go out like ripples on a stream, affecting extended family and friends. Not only now, but possibly for generations to come.
These vows also
mean respect for each other. I'm sure you have noticed by now, but men and women are different. Not only in the way they look, but how they think, what they think about, and how they process those thoughts. Just being aware of that is half of it.

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