Monday, August 31, 2015

Guarding Your Marriage

After hearing of several couples seperation,  some of which were friends and family members, my wife gave me hug and said "We need to guard this." Yes indeed, we need to guard our marriages.
The more years I am married, currently in our 23 rd year, the more I am convinced that there are evil forces in this world that are working to dissolve each marriage of man and woman. Each marriage has enemies, seen and unseen, that are attempt ing to break apart what God has brought together. This covenant of marriage between one man and one woman that was established in Genesis, and continues to this day.
Why do I believe this? Because of recent events in our government and society, that have become hostile to "traditional marriage."
So much so that it is not only tolerated, but celebrated. And woe to anyone who may take a stand and stand up for the correct definition of marriage. They are labeled as old fashioned, not progressive, and not loving.

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