Monday, April 20, 2015

The Heart of Fallen Man

"By nature the heart of fallen man is as hard as sun-baked ground after a long drought. Its possessor is quite unconcerned about his eternal destiny, utterly indifferent whether God's smile or God's frown be upon him: thoroughly in love with sin, he is a total stranger to any grief occasioned by having displeased and dishonoured the Most High.

But when a work of Divine grace is begun in him, all this is changed. It is like plentiful showers of rain falling upon and moistening the earth. His heart is softened and chastened.

In consequence, he is deeply exercised as to his eternal destiny, greatly troubled over his past carelessness and wickedness, fearful that he has so sinned away his day of grace that he is beyond the reach of mercy.

His heart is sore wounded at the realization he has offended so grievously against God..... A work of grace must be wrought before the heart desires, seeks after, delights in God."

~ Arthur Pink, "Internal Salvation"

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