Monday, April 20, 2015

Comments on Romans 8:28

"How really secure are we? Well, here is the extent of our security in one simple statement, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good." That is the extent of our security. That is a tremendously comforting and reassuring statement. There could not be a more reassuring statement than that. No statement made to a believer could contribute more hope, more happiness, more freedom and more joy in the heart than that statement because what it says is that no matter what pain, no matter what problems, no matter what failures, no matter what difficulties, no matter what disasters, no matter what sin, no matter what suffering, no matter what temptation, all things work together for good. The extent is emphasized in the word pantain the Greek, meaning all things. It is a comprehensive promise. And the context has no limits, the context puts no limits on it. There's nothing that qualifies the "all things," nothing. It means absolutely what it says, all things work together for good. God takes anything and everything that occurs in a believer's life and rather than it potentiating the believer's loss of salvation, rather than it potentiating the believer's condemnation, God makes it work together for the believer's ultimate good. This is the greatest promise that we can have in this life. There are absolutely no limits on this statement in this context. It is limitless."
                     -  John MacArthur

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