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An odd combination of Reformed theology posts, Bob Dylan out takes, gluten-free recipes, thoughts of mine, and anything else I find interesting on the interwebs. I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Out of the comfort zone

How many times have we got used to a routine, a way of doing things, a comfort zone, that we do things without even thinking?  God has been working on me lately to tell me to drop the facade and get real, which is way out of my comfort zone.  I would encourage you to lay down your pride and get real with others.  They may need your help just as much or more than you need them. Strike up a conversation with a stranger, ask what's on someone's mind, ask what can I do to help?  Often times it's just showing up that matters, or just to know that someone even cares to ask.  Many people are hurt, suspicious, and tentative when someone wants to help.  They may have been hurt or taken advantage of in the past. You have to look through the pain to see what the real need is, and help.  That's what Jesus did in serving others. And if we are going to follow Him, we need to do what He did. He saw past the pain in other's eyes and got to the heart of the matter, which actually is the heart.  The heart that is desperately wicked and in need of Jesus.

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