Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Books to recommend

Strachen the essential jonathan edwards
Pierced for our transgressions
          Steve jeffrey michael ovey
William Cunningham The redormers and the theology of the reformation
Reformation theology Horton Barrett
God in the shadows Brian Morley
The moment of Truth Steven
Christianity at the crossroads Kruger
John Bunyan Works vol. 1
The things of earth Rigney
Another Jesus Calling Smith
Pride and Humility at war
AW Pink Soverenty of God
Vlach  He will reign forever
Phil Ryken commentary
Life of Moses James Boice
John Flavel
The things of earth Joe Rigney
Bahman Presuppositional Apologetics
Masculine Mandate

Foundations of grace Lawson
Knowledge of the Holy A W Tozer
Freedom and power of forgiveness
         John MacArthur
F B Meyer If I had a hundred lives
Rebel for God Edddie DeGarmo
Five points study guide
Doctrines of grace Boice Ryken
Paxton Gods battle plan for the mind
Why cant we be friends Aimee Byrd
Live Smart Dan Dumas
Leading Change Kotter
Systematic Theology Charles Hodge
Beale a old testament theology of the new
Jim West drinking with calvin and luther
Mel Capparos enough is enough
John Acuff Quitter
Richard Baxter the reformed pastor
Jonathan Edwards the end for which God created the world and the life of david brainerd
Worldliness CJ Mahaney
Shannon Ethridge Passion Principle
BB Warfield thoughts on predestination and election
Prevenient Grace Rutherford
Sinfullness of Sin Venning
Gurnall the Christian in complete armour
Wayne Mack Anger and stress management
Reformed Preaching Beeke
In His image Jen Wilkin
Christian Ethics Grudem
Ahlquist Common Sense
The moment of truth steven lawson
Christ and culture revisited D A Carson
Exposition of the Bible John Gill
Sola Scriptura
BB Warfield
Berhof Systematic Theology
The Story of Christianity: Volume 2: The Reformation to the Present Day  Justo L. Gonzalez
Beyond the Bounds John Piper
Diehard Sins Rush Witt
Art for Gods sake Phil Ryken
Anchor Bible Commentary
Jesus and the Eye witnesses
Richard Bauckham
CM Joad The recovery of belief
Loves Endeavour Loves expense
William Vanstone
In the year of our Lord Sinclair Furgeson
Charnock Christ Crucified
Delighting in the Trinity Michael Reeves
Arnot Studies in Proverbs
Suffering Paul David Tripp
Why the Reformation Still Matters
EsV expositary commentary
Die Hard Sins Witt
Crazy Busy Kevin De Young
Trusting God Jerry Bridges
Reformed Preaching Joel Beeke
Ashamed of the Gospel John Macarthur
Validity in Interpretation E.D. Hirsch
The unity of the Bible Daniel Fullerton
Ed Stetzer Christians in an age of outrage Tyndale
Turn Turn Turn Steve Turner
C L Feinberg Evangelical Dictionary
The God who goes before you
Timothy Paul Jones
Richard Gamble The whole council of God
Overcoming sin and temptation John Owen
John Stott What Christ thinks of the church
Turkle Alone Together Reclaiming Conversation
Edward O Wilson On Human Nature
Mastricht Practical theology
Outlines of romantic theology charles Williams
Shantung Compound Langdon Gilkey
Arnot Studies in Proverbs
David Murray author
Walter Wink The powers that be
Money and Power Jacques Ellul
Thomas Merton Ascent to Truth
Gods passion for His glory Piper
Mere Calvinism Orrick
Defining Deception Costi Hinn
Justification Michael Horton
Michael Horton putting the amazing back in grace
Disruptive Witness Allen Noble c
Dallimore George Whitfield
Disruptive Witness Noble
Mere Calvinism Orrick
Strength for the Weary Dereck Thomas
A velocity of being
Marlorat author
21 servants of soverign joy piper
He is not silent Mohler
The practical implications of Calvinism
Bannner of truth
Brackel Christians reasonable service
Goldsworthy Gospel centered Hermenutics
Defining deception
God greed and the prosperity gospel
costi hinn
Mere Disipleship McGrath
O Palmer Robertson
Bavinck Reforned Dogmatics
Grown up Faith Myers
Face to Face with Jesus Randy Alcorn
Analybwile Exposition
Francis Schaefer
John Frame Systematic Theology
Strength for the Weary Derick Thomas
C J Mahaney
Reset David Murray
Bavinck Systemetic Theology
Bound only once 2001 RC Sproul
Irresistible Faith Scott Sauls
Making a Difference R C Sproul
Music through the eyes of faith Harold Best
The Humor of Christ Elton Trueblood
Desales Thy will be done
John Flavel Holy Spirit
Donald Smarto Pursued
The spirit of the reformation study Bible
   In NIV out of print
Marva Dawn
Basic Greek James Found
Meet the Puritans Beeke
All that is in God
Gary Thomas Pure Pleasure
21 servants of sovereign joy
Robert Godfrey Saving the Reformation
Whole counsel of God
Humble Calvinism Medders
Figuring Popova
Maturity Sinclair Furgeson
Redemption Trueman
The enemy within Kris Landgaard
Future Men Douglas Wilson
Exemplary Husband stuart scott
Equal yet different alexander strauch
The Doctrine on which the church stands or falls Barrett
Orthodoxy G K Chesterson image classics reissue
Burkof systematic theology
A Fabulous creation Hepworth
The stranger in the woods Finkel
Maturity Sinckair Furgeson
Why the Reformation still matters D G Hart
Life of Elijah A W Pink
Essential Karl Barth Carl Johnson
Prisoner of our thoughts
The progress paradox Gregg Easterbrook
portable seminary Horton
Praying the Bible Donald Whitney
Doctrines of Grace Boyce
The Dylanologists Kinney
Remaining Faithfull MacArthur
The rare jewel of Christian contentment
Reformed systematic theology Beeke
Dan Peek An american band
Plugged in Daniel Strange
The unfolding mystery Clowney
Is it real John MacArthur
Pray Big Alistair Begg
Dylan and Me Louie Kemp
Martin Marty Martin Luther
Plugged in Dan Strange
Competing Spectacles
Letters to my students
Rocketmen apollo 8
Mayday David Darling
Dylan & me Loiuie Kemp
Patrick Morley
David Powlison Seeing through new eyes
Andrew Murray Absolute Surrender
Dave Powlison Grace
When the church was a family Hellerman
Nouwen In the name of Jesus
Willard the divine conspiracy
Delillo White Noise
Craig Blomberg Neither poverty or riches
Joel R Beeke
broken pieces Carr
Andrew Murray Humility
Power through prayer E M Bounds
Equal yet different Strauch
Being Dad
Chasing The moon
Barrick Understanding Bible Translation
Dylan and me Louie Kemp
Thomas Watson A Body of divinity
Death Dealer Rudolph Hess
Humility Wayne Mack
The Unquenchable Flame Michael Reeves
Embodied hope Kapic
Bowling Alone Putnam
The next story Tim Challies
Ecclesiaties Shaw commentary
Ed Welch addictions
Family driven faith coddle bauchman
Meador In search of the common good
Apostles creed Nobler
Plugged In Daniel Strange
40 questions about Calvinism Shaun wright
On the Move Oliver Sacks
Once upon a time - the lives of bob Dylan - Lee
John Owens Commentary on Hebrews
Valley of Vision
One giant leap Fishman
Humble Calvinism Medders
Letters of samuel Rutherford
Richard Mouw He shines on all thats fair
Authorized Mark Ward
4 views on the historical Adam
World of lies Macantyre
Remaking a broken world Christopher Ash
Talking to strangers Malcolm Gladwell
Dylan and me Louie Kemp
Acts of the risen Lord Jesus Thompson
Final Jeopardy
Making a difference R C Sproul
Nicholas Eply Mistakenly Seeking Solitude
Disciplines of a Godly man
Hugh Martin
Cinematic Faith Romanowski
The meaning of Protestant Theology Christ
Anselm (1033-1109) why God became man, monologion, proslogion
Men on Strike Helen Smith
Defense of the Will Van Till
Finding Quiet
Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae
Experience of God Hart
Dewitt Life in the Wild
Lit reinke
Bavinck reformed dogmatics
Art of makiing money
Thomas Aquianis
Stephen Charnock The Cross of Christ
Alistair Begg Pathway to Freedom
Flash of Genius Seabrook
Van Delden Lest Any man should boast
Divine Simplicity Steven J Duby
Taking God at his Word Kevin Deyoung
Doctrines of Grace Boice Ryken
A body of Divinity Thomas Watson
Charnock existence and attributes of God
Truths We Confess R C Sproul
Run to win Tim Challies
2000 years of Christs power Needham
The identity and atributes of God
      Terry Johnson
wisdom of frugality Westacott
Vos Reformed Dogmatics
Doctrine of repentence Thomas Watson
Something needs to change Platt
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary
Grace worth fighting for Hyde
Matthew Henrys commentary on the whole Bible
Robert Haldane
God sovereign and man free nathan lewis rice
Grace abounding to the cheif of sinners John Bunyan
Martin Luther commentary on Galatians
H Richard Niebuhr the story of our lives
Year of our Lord 1943 Jacobs
The culture of theology John Webster
Thomas Manton
Truths We Confess RC Sproul
Bavinck wonderful works of God
The glory of grace
JC Ryle Practical
AW Pink the cross and self
Some pastors and teachers Sinclair Furgeson
Robert Letham Systematic Theology
Attributes of God AW Pink
The Reformed Faith Robert Shaw
Essential Works spurgeon
A guide to the Puritans Martin
A peculiar glory Piper
The mystery of Christ Rebahan, Samuel
A gospel primer for Christians
Van till
Leland Ryken Culture in Christian Perspective
Confessions Augustine
The Beatle who vanished
The potters freedomJames White
Worldly saints Leland Ryken
Redemption John Murray
The intolerance of tolerance Carson
Plantinga project two dozen or so arguements for God.
Legacy of Luther R C Sproul
Defining deception costi hinn
Given For You Mathisin
Authentic Christianity Morecraft
Raising a modern day knight
Iain Provan -  Reformation and the right reading of Scripture
Spiritual disciplines of the Christian Life Donald Whitney
Decision making and the will of God Friesen
Core52 Moore
Fundamentals of the faith MacArthur
Attributes of God AW Pink chapel library
An Infinite Journey Andrew Davis
The new man Dan Doriani
Here there and everywhere Goeff Emerick
Disciplines of a Godly Man Hughes
Everyday Prayer with john calvin McKim
From Rio to abbey road Lizzie Bravo
Return to earth Buzz Aldrin
Redemption John Murray
Biblical Doctrine  John McArthur
Running Scared Ed Welch
The fear of God John Bunyan
Dr. Jean Edward Vieth
Nick Needham 2000 years of Christs  power
Far as the curse is found Williams
Steve Turner Imagine and Beatles '66
Clinton Heylin Bob Dylan recording
David Lyle Jeffrey People of the book
Leland Ryken The liberated imagination
harry blamires the Christian mind
History of western.... John Frame
Thomas Cranmar
Romans david n steele curtis thomas
Bonhoffer Eric Mataxes
The Christians High Calling
BB Warfield Athourity of Scripture
Gentle and Lowly Ortland
From heaven he came and sought her
Proverbs charles Bridges
Without excuse David Haines
Sons in the son Garner
Reformed expository commentary
Far as the curse is found Michael Williams
Exemplary husband stuart scott
The heart of Christ Thomas Goodwin
Timothy Keller The meaning of marriage
John Cleese Creativity
Die Hard Sins
Bavinck - James Eglinton
Mystery of the Trinity Vern Polythress
Bruised reed Sibbes
Warfield person and work of Christ
Uncensored daring to embrace the entire bible - Dr. Brian Cosby
Author Dr. Dustin W. Benge
Thomas Goodwin A discourse of election 

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