Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Carefree timelessness

An adult friend asked my son what he did over the summer. His reply was mostly about unstructired activities with his friends and family, movies watched, road trips taken, and memories of a stress free summer. He replied " That sounds like carefree timelessness."
Events and activities with no set time limits or structure. Not saying" I will spend one hour with my family, then move on to something else. " But, I will spend the afternoom with the family, take a drive and whenever we get back will be fine. No schedule, no agenda, no time frame. It was a perfect description of how I want him to remember the summers of his childhood. This is how childhood should be. There will be plenty of time for responsibilities and schedules and adult duties. But the
childhood summers should be free and full of carefree timelessness.

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