Friday, November 3, 2017

Faith Statement

Complentarianst - God designed man and woman for specific roles to compliment and to be a help mate to each other

Reformed saved by grace alone, not by any works of man

Cessationist- the gifts of tounges ceased after the Apostlistic age bended
There are no more Apostles alive.

5 points of Calvinism
Total Depravity
Unconditional Love
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints

Monergism - We do not add anything to our salvation, but it is all God's work. As opposed to synergism, which states that we need to cooperate with God in our salvation.

Natural man in his sinful state is depraved and corrupted completely. Every word, deed, thought, and motive is tainted by sin.

Christ's substitutionary and complete atoning death and resurrection did not merely make possible my salvation, but accomplished it. Thus "It is finished."



Five Solas
Scripture Alone - The only Foundation
Christ Alone - The Only Mediator
Grace Alone - The Only Method
Faith Alone - The Only Means
Glory to God Alone - The only Ambition

Believe in the story of Creation as written in Genesis 1

Believe in innerancy of Scripture.

Belief in "traditional" marriage between one man and one woman for life, as defined in the Bible

Believe in Doctrine of Imputation, in which Adam's sin was imputed to mankind
The elect's sin was imputed to Christ on the cross, and Jesus' righteousness was imputed to the elect, which is called Imputed Righteousness.

Reject: Synergism - in which we in any way have to cooperate with God for our salvation. It shows Christ's substitutionary atonement was not enough on it's own.

Reject: Armenianism - in which man can resist the will of God and has free will to usurp God's infinite will, thus making man more powerful than God. It is saying Christ's death and resurrection made salvation possible but not complete.

Reject: Pelagianism - the belief that original sin did not taint human nature, and that mortal will is still capable of choosing God on his own, without special divine aid.

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