Monday, June 5, 2017

Full time pastors?

"Churches led by bi-vocational pastors should examine their commitments and priorities. Many Christians don't see the necessity of pastors working full-time in gospel ministry and don't perceive the spiritual implications when a pastor's attention is divided. When Paul discusses the call to proclaim Christ in Colossians 1:28, he is speaking about preparing God's people for judgment before God himself. There is nothing of greater importance for the pastor. Even sheer spiritual self-interest should stir God's people to do all they can to enable their pastor to devote himself fully to the work of caring for their souls. A congregation makes a meaningful and tangible impact when they sacrifice so that their pastor can minister on their behalf and labor to expand the kingdom of God.

The full-time pastor, of course, shouldn't squander the sacrifices God's people have made to enable him to devote himself fully to ministry. How severe the judgment must be for those pastors who take this liberty, made possible by the sacrificial commitment of believers, and then waste it through laziness, irresponsibility, or sin."

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