Sunday, May 14, 2017

Phil Johnson on Calvinism

"Furthermore, I'm not one of those who wears Calvinism like a big chip on his shoulder, daring people to fight with me about it. It's true that I can get feisty about certain points of doctrine—especially when someone attacks a principle that goes to the heart of the gospel, like substitutionary atonement, or original sin, or justification by faith and the principle of imputed righteousness. When one of those principles is challenged, I'm ready to fight. (And I also don't mind beating up on whatever happens to be the latest evangelical fad.)

But Calvinism isn't one of those issues I get worked up and angry about. I'll discuss it with you, but if you are spoiling for a fight about it, you are likely to find me hard to provoke. I spent too many years as an Arminian myself to pretend that the truth on these issues is easy and obvious.

Now, don't get the wrong idea. I do think the truth of God's sovereignty is clear and ultimately inescapable in Scripture. But it is a difficult truth to come to grips with, so I am sympathetic with those who struggle with it. I'm Calvinistic enough to believe that God has ordained (at least for the time being) that some of my brethren should hold Arminian opinions.".   - Phil Johnson

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