Monday, March 13, 2017

Lost Our Identity

"Imagine a world where immorality is widespread, materialism is a god, corruption is commonplace, the persecution of Christians is increasing, and absolute truth is mocked as if it doesn't exist."
Am I describing the 21st century or the 1st century?
The irony is that, in the face of all those same issues, the 1st century church turned the world upside down, but we struggle barely to survive.
How did they thrive in the expression of the Christian faith and we barely survive? Let me make a suggestion: Let's explore what they had that we don't.
They had much, much less than we have: no media, fewer resources, less money, few church buildings—so that's not what made the difference.
Instead, I suggest that they had an identity as a people who knew how to love God and how to love others. The difference is that we have lost our sense of identity as a people who know how to love.

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