Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hard to Believe

"Probably nothing is more true of sinners today than that they think they are free. They see Christianity as some kind of bondage. It is all about rights: "No one is going to infringe on my rights. I can be what I want to be. I'm free to be myself." You hear that inane statement again and again. Such people are not free. The Bible defines them as prisoners. Sin has indebted them to God, and it's a debt they cannot pay. They are in bondage, and they are awaiting eternal death.

According to Hebrews 2:15, Satan wields the power of death and holds captive "those who through fear of death [are] all their lifetime subject to bondage." They are the children of wrath; Ephesians 2:2 calls them "sons of disobedience" who are under the power of, and in bondage to, their own sin. The divine sentence on them is incarceration for eternity in hell, where they will never die. The real Sovereign over them, the real Judge who has imprisoned them, called them guilty, and sentenced them to death, is God Himself. It is God who destroys both soul and body in hell. The sinner is a prisoner of Satan and sin, but more than that, he's a prisoner of God, the eternal Executioner, who is holding him accountable and has him awaiting a horrific, unending death."

― John F. MacArthur Jr.
Hard to Believe: The High Cost and Infinite Value of Following Jesus

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"We won't need to wait for some extrabiblical, supernatural word from God to be spoken into our subconscious thoughts to know what to do. We'll be able to discern the wise course of action. God doesn't decide for us and then transmit His decisions to us. Like a good father, He is teaching us to discern what is good and acceptable and perfect. How? He is renewing our minds as we come under His Word. He is giving us the mind of Christ.

The world around us is trying to press us into its highly individualistic mold. But the Word is transforming us into people whose identity flows out of being a bondservant to Jesus Christ and no longer a slave to our own independence or self-fulfillment."

Nancy Guthrie in Tabletalk Magazine

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Lost Our Identity

"Imagine a world where immorality is widespread, materialism is a god, corruption is commonplace, the persecution of Christians is increasing, and absolute truth is mocked as if it doesn't exist."
Am I describing the 21st century or the 1st century?
The irony is that, in the face of all those same issues, the 1st century church turned the world upside down, but we struggle barely to survive.
How did they thrive in the expression of the Christian faith and we barely survive? Let me make a suggestion: Let's explore what they had that we don't.
They had much, much less than we have: no media, fewer resources, less money, few church buildings—so that's not what made the difference.
Instead, I suggest that they had an identity as a people who knew how to love God and how to love others. The difference is that we have lost our sense of identity as a people who know how to love.

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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Selective Ignorance

Remembering that selective ignorance doesn’t mean ignoring the real news events of the day, but you must remember that there are less real news events going on in the world than you think. An actresses opinion about the President, a Facebook “friend’s” opinion about politics, or a ridiculous Facebook comment on a news story from someone that you don’t know aren’t news, don’t matter to you at all, and will only serve to make you angry. Ignore it. Your life will be better for it.