Sunday, February 12, 2017

The end of the church?

I recently read a post somewhere online that bemoaned the decline of church attendance in recent years. The article stated that if this trend continues, the church would be nonexistent in 50 years. This is in direct contrast to Scripture that says the gates of Hell will not prevail against His church and His Word will not return to Him void. (ISA 55:11 Matt 16:18).
Thomas Brewer in a recent Tabletalk Issue states: "secularism isn't the dissolution of Christianity. Rather than representing the dissolution of Christianity, secularism more so represents the dissolution of nominal Christianity. God is not failing, and He is not failing His church. He is still in control as ever."
And thankfully someone is in control and it is God. I am so glad that God is sovereign and in control and that his church will prevail. Brewer goes on, "Our hope is not in the here and now, but in a world to come." And thankfully the secularism that surrounds us is only temporary.
Our hope is indeed in the world to come when God will make all things new with a new Heaven and a new earth. This will be the ultimate fulfilment of God's promises.

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