Saturday, September 3, 2016


"Obviously we live in a world that wants to breed discontent. Everything in our society is geared to make you unhappy with your current circumstances: your job, your wardrobe, your car, your house, your wife, place you live, whatever it might be. Everything in the advertising world is designed to breed discontent. To make you unhappy with what you have. Make you miserable with what you have with the current circumstance. And, of course, Satan feeds this because it essentially winds up in the violation and break down of every relationship. And that serves his purpose very well because it's contrary to God's design. So we're living, I think, in a time when we might be able to say that there is a more massive assault on our contentment than in any other time in human history because the sophistication of the attack has never been quite this extreme.".   -  John Macarthur

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