Sunday, June 5, 2016

The need for connection

Now that Facebook reminds me of memories I have shared in the past, I realize that I have been on social media for at least the last 8 years. Most times it brings up forgotten posts from 5 or 6 years ago. Pictures I had shared, and sometimes I repost them, because most of our memories are very short. And amusing videos of ducks are why the internet was invented.
I have been on some type of computer checking email or Facebook just about every single day since. I have to ask myself why? Why do I fell the need to do that? To spend so much time reading just about every post that I can about everything, not wanting to miss anything, lest I feel left out?
I must admit that to some degree it is link to the outside world, out side of my town, my city, and even my country sometimes.
But, I must also ask myself, is my life really enchanced by spending so much time staying in touch with everybody everywhere?
There are some very good things that can happen and have happened on Facebook. I have whittled down my friends list to 175, so when I post something, I can talk to 175 people all at once. There are people that I used to work with, friends that live far away that I can stay in touch with, and new friends that I can find easily.
I recently spent a few days not logging on and really, I didn't miss it. The world didn't stop, I was still here, and I was ok. More than OK, I felt like I had control of mode of my time. After all, if I was to be in control of my time, I needed to start somewhere.
I had started a blog, and a book review page, and that was also keeping me busy. But, even with that, I can control how many posts I make and how many reviews I post.
I have become aware of how time is spent, and challenge all of us to do the same.

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