Saturday, June 4, 2016

Dylan and Christianity

What can I do for You?

You have layed down your life
Substitutionary death

Not a slave to sin
Pulled me out of bondage

And you made me renewed inside

And you've chosen me

Narrow road
To be among the few

Soon as a man is born

Wise in his own eyes

Following deceit
And made to believe a lie

Much has been written in the past about Dylan's "born again period." in which he released three albums in a few years, beginning in 1977 with Slow Train Coming, Saved in 1980  and Shot of Love in 1981. I said at the time that the 4th album would be the deciding factor. The next album was one called Infidels, with some subtle references to Christianity, but nowhere near as bold and straightforward as the previous three.  None of us knows what is in his heart now, only God knows that, so to speculate would be folly. What I do know is that he has written some of the most sincere and honest lyrics describing the salvation experience. Regardless, I would like to concentrate on one of those songs "What Can I Do For You?" from Saved. In my opinion,  it is the best song from all three albums, with Precious Angel and Covenant Woman a close second and third. It has all the elements of a man who is forgiven, thankful, and committed.

This whole song describes the depraved sinful state of man at birth, his need for salvation and Christ's substitutionary death and propitiation in a clear and concise way.
And as a servant of the Living God, wanting to live for Him, asking What Can I Do For You?
I wish a lot of sermons would be this clear and dead on.

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