Saturday, February 13, 2016

Thoughts on Hosea 13:4-6

 But I am the Lord your Godfrom the land of Egypt;you know no God but me,and besides me there is no savior. It was I who knew you in the wilderness,in the land of drought; but when they had grazed, they became full,they were filled, and their heart was lifted up;therefore they forgot me. - Hosea 13:4-6       
So many times we are crying out to the Lord on distress, in need, in crisis. And when He sustains us or gets us through this situation, we return to normal, uncaring, sinful, forgetting the One that carried us through. May we never forget and always praise God and be thankful in all situations, regardless of circumstances. He is the one that gives us life and hope. He is the one that gives us courage and strength to survive. Let us never forget all his benefits.

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