Sunday, January 3, 2016

In You

"And notice he says, "in you," that "He began a good work in you." It was an inside job that God performed in the depths of their souls, down deep in their inner person. We would say in their heart or in their spirit. It was not a superficial work that lay on the outside, or the perimeter of their life. God got through to them. And God did this good work in them just like He has in you. The preacher, it has been well said, can only bring the word of God to the ear. God must take it from the ear to the heart. God must bring it all the way home and do what only God can do. And whoever it was that brought the gospel to you, he could only bring it to your ears and no further. But as you reflect back upon your conversion, it was God who brought it from your ear all the way to the depths of your soul and began this new work within you. "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. The old things have passed away; and behold, new things have come."
- Steven J. Lawson
The Pastors Heart

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