Saturday, December 26, 2015

Depravity of Man

"The fall deprived man of no mental or moral faculty, but it took from him power to use them aright. They were brought under the influence of sin, so that he was no longer capable of doing anything pleasing to God. Depravity is all-pervading, extending to the whole man. It consists of spiritual ignorance, blindness, darkness, folly, rebellion, perverseness, spiritual disobedience, hardness of heart, a total insensibility to and disrelish of spiritual and divine things. Prune and trim a corrupt tree as much as you will, it can never be made to yield good fruit. The apostle declared, "I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing"(Romans 7:18). Every man must be born again before he can be acceptable to a Holy God." ~ A.W. Pink

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