Saturday, October 3, 2015

Loving God

What does it mean to love God?
Jesus, who was God in the flesh, said If you love me you will keep my commandments.
That's where it starts. The commandments in the Bible. Not just the 10 commandments, but everything God has told us. Not just the red-letter things He said on this earth, but all of His commands.
The ones that are easy for you, and the hard ones. He has already given everything that we need to know in the Bible.
Hardest ones for me, and probably for all of us, is loving people. Jesus says to even love your enemies. Really? You want me to love this person who hates me? This person who did this terrible thing to me?
Jesus says "yes, I do." But Jesus, we say, you don't understand what this person did. This terrible thing, my situation is different, surely you don't mean that I have to forgive them. Jesus says "Yes, I know exactly what that person did, and I want you to love them." And we say I can't. And that's right. We can't. Nor on our own strength. Only through God can we love these people, because it is only through God that we are lovable, nothing in ourselves.
And not only love them, but also forgive them. Forgive them as Christ has forgiven us. There is no other option.
And this is one evidence that we are one of God's children. That we love others, and forgive them. They will know we are Christians by our love for one another. (John 13:35) That is fruit.
I'm not saying it's easy. Not by any earthly means. But only by God's strength.

                                 -  T. Meiers

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