Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Jesus' Invitation

"The gospel according to Jesus Christ given in the New Testament is radically different from the typical modern message that is so often preached.  In our contemporary times evangelists often portray Jesus as a somewhat frustrated, would-be Redeemer who stands outside anxiously awaiting an invitation from someone to come into his life.  This is, I think, because of a misrepresentation of a text in the book of Revelation in which the Lord says He stands at the door and knocks.  It's not really a true interpretation to make that the door of a human heart.  It's the door of the church.  It's Christ wanting to come into His church in the context there.  But based on that verse, we have sort of portrayed Jesus as waiting for an invitation from us, waiting for an opportunity from us, standing quietly, as it were, by until we make the decision to invite Him in.

But in reality, the New Testament presents Christ as the inviter, the Savior who comes into the world, God in human flesh who invades the realm of humanity, who confronts sinners, challenges them, calls them, commands them to come to Him, to believe in Him, to turn from sin, to embrace Him as Savior and Lord.  Rather than waiting for an invitation from sinners, He issues His own invitation to sinners in the form of a command to repent, and to believe, and to submit.  And this is essentially what He is saying in our text.  This is at the very core of Jesus' message, the gospel message.  If you want eternal life, if you desire to have all your sins forgiven forever, if you want to come into the eternal kingdom of God, and receive blessing, peace and joy forever and ever, Jesus says here's what you need to do. "
             -    John MacArthur

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