Wednesday, September 23, 2015

We will not bow

We will not bow down."
by John MacArthur
"You know, I ran through my Bible the other day, just looking for everywhere I could find the term "bow down." Bow down, bow down. It's all over the Old Testament. People bowed down before a superior. There are many of those illustrations. Look at the life of Joseph and you'll remember how his brothers bowed down to him.
But the faithful people didn't bow down. The unfaithful people bowed down to idols. They bowed down to monarchs. They bowed down to godless kings. Faithful people didn't bow down. Mordecai didn't bow down. Daniel didn't bow down; his friends didn't bow down. Jesus didn't bow down. Paul didn't bow down.
There will be a barrage of persecution. These are going to be very challenging days. We will not bow. We will be gracious and we will be loving, but we will render to God what is God's."
– John MacArthur

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