Sunday, September 20, 2015

Preaching to Myself

One of the reasons I enjoy speaking and teaching is that I need to hear it. When I am teaching or speaking, most of the time I am preaching to myself. I am talking about a subject I need to learn more about. Whether it's forgiveness, or obedience, or loving your enemies, or many other things that are in the Scriptures, I need to hear them.
I need to have God speak to me through His word. We all do. I am a sinner, totally depraved, saved only by God's grace. A grace that is greater than all my sin.
There is no limit to the sin that I am capable of.
You say how can this be? How can God cover all of my sins? They are many. Every evil thought, every evil act, is covered.
It's called forgiveness. He has covered all of my sin, past, present, and future. It has been forgiven, it is complete, it is finished.
When Jesus died on the cross and rose again, it was for all of the sins of all of His people, the elect,  as John Macarthur says" stretching back into the past from the beginning of time, and on into the future." Amen to that.
No more needs to be added, it is only by God's grace and nothing else. It is His perfect, unfailing love for me and no good within myself. Jonathan Edwards said "We contribute nothing to our salvation but the sin that made it necessary."
We can not reach God's standard on our own. Jesus said if you hate your neighbor you have already committed murder.       
It is impossible. It is only through Jesus Christ's, substitutionary atoning death on the cross, and His imputed righteousness that we can be saved.
                 -   T. Meiers

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