Thursday, September 17, 2015

More Conversations with myself

Myself:"So, why do I go on sinning if I want to please God? I should just obey and not sin."

Me:" The apostle Paul had this same issue that he does what he doesn't want to. We are still sinful in our nature, and our natural tendency is to sin, so we will sin in this life, it's in our nature. The difference is, we confess our sins and recognize them, and God will forgive them. Christians aren't sinless, we just sin less but not through our own strength, it's through the power of the Holy Spirit. "

Myself: "I have done some terrible things in the past. I don't know if God can forgive me."

Me: "No matter what you have done, or how long you have done it, God will forgive you. There may be consequences, but you are forgiven. God will draw you to Him, it's not if your own strength. Without Him, we would remain in our sins. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift."

Myself: "But I don't feel forgiven. I still have doubts."

Me: "Tell God about your feelings, pray to Him. Your feelings are fickle and can change, so ask God to give you His "peace that passes all understanding. It's not a feeling, there are times you won't feel forgiven, but you are. Do not trust your feelings."

Myself: "I've heard that you should follow your heart. Is that good advice.?"

Me: "No, that is terrible advice. The heart is desperately wicked, Jeremiah, and totally depraved. That is humanism at it's lowest, most basic form. Trust only in God, and not anything in your self."

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