Friday, September 11, 2015

John MacArthur on September 11 th

John MacArthur- excerpt from "A First Response to the September 11 Terrorist Attacks.
"Proof of the depravity of man and proof of the wretchedness of satanically inspired religion.
God is sovereign over everything that happens, how could such a horrific thing happen if God is in control?
It happens because everybody dies. Nothing happened to those people that aren't going to happen to you or me. It might be a car accident, I might get hit by a truck, I might die in a plane crash, you know, going somewhere to preach. My boat might sink when I'm fishing. I might get cancer. I might have a heart attack.
The wages of sin is death," so death exists. And God says, "Look, you don't have to die and go to hell. Here's the gospel. Here's the salvation that I offer you in Jesus Christ." And so, you know, Jesus says, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, tell them there is a heaven and that they are sinners, but there is forgiveness and there is hope."
Your life is a vapor, it appears for a little time and it vanishes away. Don't say tomorrow we're going to do this, and tomorrow we're going to do that, you don't know because you don't know what tomorrow brings

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