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An odd combination of Reformed theology posts, Bob Dylan out takes, gluten-free recipes, thoughts of mine, and anything else I find interesting on the interwebs. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Calvinism vs. Arminianism

"Why is the Calvinism vs. Arminianism issue important? Here's some substance: the Calvinist wants to treasure the freedom and will of God in salvation as supreme. The Arminian wants to treasure the freedom and will of man in salvation as supreme. The Calvinists contend that consistent Arminianism leads to deadly consequences for the Gospel: Open Theism, Universalism, Antinomianism, and more. Thankfully, not all Arminians are consistent with their system. However, make no mistake about it: the Gospel is at stake.
It's worth our lives."
                         -   Jeff Durbin

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