Saturday, September 12, 2015

A letter to an Arminian

The Arminian Lie Killers
"A MUST READ" this has also confirmed what I've known all along and I have been stating to many on this subject for many months. ~DRE

Michael Jeshurun
Dear Jim,
Once again please forgive my late response. I trust that all is well with you and your family. I realize that our friendship has reached an 'uneasy level' where we are NOT in agreement. But sir, trust me if this was a MINOR issue where we could 'agree to disagree' I would be more than willing do that. But this is an issue concerning the 'crux of the matter' as far as the 'gospel' is concerned and I must remain faithful to the message which God has delivered to me concerning His Absolute Sovereignty.
I would start by reminding you, that it was NOT CALVIN who said – "YE have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you!' [Jn 15:16] or "I lay down My life for THE SHEEP"! [John 10:11] Again it wasn't Calvin who said, "No man CAN COME to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me DRAW HIM"! [John :44] Neither said he – "AS MANY as were ORDAINED to eternal life believed"! [Acts 13:48]
Now I want to make it very clear that we use the term "Calvinism" ONLY FOR IDENTIFICATION, and are NOT IN AGREEMENT with all that Calvin taught. That Calvin contributed a lot to the system that bears his name we do not deny. But even though we may quote a few things from the works of Calvin, our appeal is NOT TO CALVIN OR THE 'REFORMERS' OR ANY CONFESSIONS OR CREEDS OF THE CHURCHES, BUT TO THE LAW AND TESTIMONY OF JEHOVAH.
Historically speaking, the so-called "Doctrines of Grace" - which go by the nickname of Calvinism - did not originate with Calvin. They are the result of a Synod held in Dort, Holland in 1618/19, after Calvin was long dead. Those of us who hold to Reformed Theology do so not because we are attempting to replicate the theology or ecclesiology of a mere MAN - John Calvin, but because we are convinced that the Biblical arguments and the conclusions stemming from that Synod are valid and our OWN EXEGESIS AND EXPERIENCE CONFIRMS THE FIVE POINTS.
If it could be proven that John Calvin was indeed a murderous wretch, an 'Infant baptizer' or whatever, still it would have no effect on the theology that sprung from the pen of the Reformers. In other words, the "guilt by association" tactic has no teeth!
If John Calvin believed what the Spirit of God has taught us in our personal study of God's Word and our experience in our preaching ministry, then good for him! But it means NOTHING TO US!
We be persuaded that the Spirit of God would have by and by taught us these glorious truths WHETHER THERE WAS A CALVIN OR NOT!
No infant comes into the world knowing everything, but learns as he grows! Even so a truly born again child of God may have many misconceptions concerning the nature and method of his salvation at first, but if he is saved at all, then the Spirit will by and by teach him what He means when He says that "It is NOT of him that WILLETH, nor of him that RUNNETH, but OF GOD that showeth mercy"! [Rom 9:16]
"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day"! [Prov 4:18]
Whatever glorifies God 100%, THAT is what is right!
The doctrines of grace which we hold gives God ALL THE GLORY and puts man where He belongs, i.e. IN THE DUST!
"Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory, for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth's sake"! [Psalm 115:1]
But get this; you are either an Arminian or a Calvinist, doctrinally speaking! You either believe that Salvation is ALL OF GOD, or you believe that it is partly of God and partly of man!
Those who pretend that they are neither Arminians nor "Calvinists" are in reality hypocrites! They suppose that they are neutral! But in matters pertaining to the doctrines of Soteriology (salvation) there are NO NEUTRALS!
NOBODY IS NEUTRAL! EVERYBODY HAS A BIAS FOR OR AGAINST! You're either a capitalist or a communist. You're either a conservative or a liberal--a rightist or a leftist--right or wrong! Nothing short of right is right. There is no such thing as neutrality on anything. Even a battery has only two poles, positive and negative, and you cannot get them together without fireworks! No battery has neutral poles: You're either alive or dead, hot or cold!
Oh, the neutral is always so fair! "I can see BOTH sides." The Liar! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BOTH SIDES! Only ONE side can be right and only ONE side can be wrong, so in claiming to be neutral and pretending to see right and wrong on both sides, the neutral puts himself above everybody. He is the most righteous of all. He can see how everybody's a little bit wrong but him and he is the only one right--the only one who really sees the truth, which he claims is somewhere in-between, which makes him the worst liar and most treacherous enemy of all! As Jesus said "He that is not for Me is against Me, and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad." [Matt 12;30]
You either believe fallen man is totally depraved and CANNOT come to God of his own 'free-will' or you don't! [John 6;44]
You either believe God has elected a CERTAIN NUMBER and sovereignly ordained them to eternal life or you don't! [Acts 13:48]
You either believe that Christ laid down His life FOR THE SHEEP and them alone, as he said He did, or you don't! [John 10:15]
You either believe that the Holy Spirit DRAWS God's chosen by an IRRESISTIBLE POWER or you don't! [Jer 31:3]
And finally you either believe Christ saves FULLY AND FINALLY those whom He died for unto the end or you don't! [Heb 7:25]
I know what have written might sound harsh and 'un-loving', but "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the TRUTH"?! [Gal 4:16]. "FAITHFUL are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful". [Prov 27:6]
If you choose to believe that fallen, depraved man has a 'free-will' to either accept or reject Christ, and that the spiritually dead man can respond to God's call anytime HE chooses, you are free to do so. But I believe that if you are TRULY SAVED by the Spirit of God and have 'the root of the matter in you' [Job 19:28] then God will sooner or later open your eyes to the truth of that word – "it is not of him that WILLETH, nor of him that RUNNETH, but OF GOD that sheweth mercy"!! [Rom 9:16].
Dear Jim, to further dialogue and debate this issue would be a waste of time for both of us. I am sure you realize this by now. But please know that I shall be praying for you that God will be pleased to open your eyes to the truth of His Absolute Sovereignty and show you that our God is STILL the Absolute Sovereign who has 'mercy on WHOM HE WILL and hardens WHOM HE WILL and NONE can say unto Him "what doest Thou"?! [Daniel 4:35]
Michael Jeshurun

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