Monday, August 31, 2015

When a church says "we want to stay relevant."

The telling lines are "we really wanted to stay relevant" and "biblical that meets the cultural relevancy of the people we encounter." This two statements alone tell me a lot. If by staying relevant we are watering down the Gospel message so we don't offend anyone, then this is the wrong approach. Jesus never said "meet the culture of the people." He DID say go out and make disciples. Tell the truth. Preach the Gospel. Talk about how depraved and sinful we are, and how we are in desperate need of a savior. Also he is saying if we don't do this the church "will be dead in a couple of years." That's not really what I read in the Bible when Jesus talks about the gates of hell not prevailing. God is sovereign and His church will not die, even if we don't meet the people on their own terms. And why not preach the gospel like they did in 1950? We don't need to modernize God's message.          Churches need to tell the truth about the Christian life, and get out of the way, and the Holy Spirit will do the work in man's heart.

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