Saturday, August 22, 2015


Bibiano Toring III > Paul Washer
True Repentance VS False Repentance
Contrition VS Attrition

Crying doesn't necessarily mean repenting, it just means your crying.

Contrition involves a genuine and godly sorrow for having disobeyed God. It differs from the repentance of attrition, which is a false form of repentance motivated by a fear of punishment. Attrition is seen in a child who, when he sees a paddle in his mother's hand, is sorry that he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. True repentance acknowledges the reality of the guilt and does not try to justify it. Anyone who approaches God with true humility, contrition, and an earnest resolution not to commit the sin again will surely receive the forgiveness of God.

Contrition @ Psalm 51 - King David
Attrition@ Genesis 27 - Esau
Photos from Bibiano Toring III's post in Paul Washer ·

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