Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Trusting in God

Do we really know what it means to trust in God? I mean when it really matters. It's very easy to trust God for all of our needs when the bills are all up to date, your marriage is great, and the kids are all angels.
But what about when you are behind in your bills, your marriage is on the rocks, and your children are far from God? Can we trust in the sovereignty of God then? Do we really believe He holds the future in His hands?
The promise of Philippians 4:13 holds true in any situation. In context, it calls us to be content whatever the circumstances. Our contentment and satisfaction comes from our identity in Christ, not from our circumstances in this world. "I can do all things through Christ" how? through His strength. Not through any way of me trying harder, or working harder, or leaning in my own understanding. Many times in the Bible we are told to trust. Abraham, Moses, and David are just a few of the people in the Bible that are told to trust. Are we any better than these giants if the faith?           We also need to trust in the same God that rescued the Israelites, and raised David up to be king. The same God who sent His son to die on the cross for all of our sins, past, present and future.
Regardless of our own feelings of anxiety, we need to trust in the sovereignty of God, and know that He is still on the throne. If He is indeed Lord of our life, then we have nothing to fear, and everything to look forward to.  -  T. Meiers

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