Thursday, July 16, 2015


The Doctrine of Predestination
By Michael Houke
Words closely associated with God's sovereignty are, foreknowledge, election, and predestination. Together they represent a trinity in unison.
Foreknowledge determines the election or choice is clear from 1 Peter 1:2 and predestination is the bringing to pass of the election. Election looks back to foreknowledge and predestination looks forward to the destiny. The foreknown are elected and the elect are predestined and this election is certain to every believer by the mere fact that he believes (1 Thessolonians 1:4,5).
1. Foreknowledge: Means God knows beforehand what the future holds. Because of his omniscience He knows the end from the beginning. There is no contradiction between's God's foreknowledge and mans freedom of choice. But God knows in advance how man will act. Foreknowledge, then means to define and determine beforehand, to mark out boundaries in advance.
2. Election: Is the scriptural term that represents the sovereign and eternal choice of persons (Ephesians 1:4), infallibly secure all God's election and is a fact which believers now know (1 Thessolonians 1:4).
A. Election is according to God's foreknowledge (1Peter 1:2)
B. Election is of grace, apart from man's merit (Romans 9:11 and 11:5,6)
C. Election is the sovereign act of God, where certain persons are chosen from among mankind for himself (John 15:19) and His distinctive service (Luke 6:13, Acts 9:15 and 1 Corinthians 1:17,18)
With God, election is always inclusive, never exclusive. He chooses a few in order that all may be blessed (1Timothy 2: 1-7)
3. Predestination: Because of who He is God is free to do as He likes. He is a God of infinite wisdom, with a plan. Predestination is will of God by which things determined by Him are brought to pass (Ephesians 1:5). Predestination is linked to God's love, therefore, He can never be guilty of anything capricious. God never acts contrary to His nature.
Predestination is the act of divine sovereignty in the accomplishment of God's ultimate purpose. It is God's love that draws salvations plan. The church existed in God's mind, eternally, before it existed in time.
Predestination refers to that special character of blessing to which we are set apart. Thus we are predestined to adoption (Ephesians 1:5), to have a part in Christ's glorious inheritance, and to be perfectly conformed to god's Son 9Romans 8:29-30).
We must keep in mind that the fact that predestination is not God's predetermining from ages past who should and who should not be saved. This is not what scripture teaches us. It teaches us the future of believers. Predestination is the divine determining the glorious consummation of all who through faith surrender and come to Jesus. It has been determined beforehand that all who are truly Christ's shall be conformed to His Image (Romans 8:29 and Ephesians 1:5).
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