Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hard to Believe

"It's not just holding up your hand or walking down the aisle and saying " I love Jesus." It's not easy, it is not user-friendly or seeker-sensitive."
                 -  John Macarthur
Following and believing in Jesus may cost you everything. We need to proclaim the true Gospel, and tell people what is required as a Christian. It requires giving up one's self. Totally and completely. It goes against everything that is human in us. It goes against human logic and comprehension. Give up my life to save it? It doesn't make sense to me, they say. But this gospel is foolishness to the world. They are blinded to it, and slaves to sin. Unless God does a work in their lives, and turns their heart of stone to a heart of flesh, they will never understand.
            -    T. Meiers

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