Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Thoughts on 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

Problem not the seed it's the sower
Its the unreceptive, fallen, deceitful human heart, that must be changed from stone to flesh. Paul is saying I will not manipulate the message to seem more appealing or change it to be more popular. God's message does not change, and despite my feeble and flailing efforts, His word will not go in vain. I will proclaim Christ and Him crucified, and not water down the message for the sake if being popular or being liked. I don't expect popularity, and neither should you. Paul certainly didn't. He knew that the Gospel message would be offensive to the natural man. Unless God performs a miracle in someone's life, he will never come to God on his own accord. It's impossible. They are slaves to sin, in Romans.
Paul knew the power of forgiveness, he had sought out Christians to kill them. He was there when they stoned Stephen, the first martyr. He was holding the coats. Imagine after they killed Stephen he was standing probably close by, approving and probably thinking justice was served. And then after Stephen was dead, handing everyone their coats back and going on with their lives
Little did Saul know at the time, but he was headed for a supernatural encounter with the true and living God on his way to Damascus.
                       -  T. Meiers

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