Saturday, June 27, 2015

I dont know it all

I never want to come across as a know it all. I am always learning, searching for truth, wherever it leads. The truth has always been; important to me, not just in theology, but in all aspects of life. Get down to the nitty- gritty strip away pretense and show and what is really true.
Truth, what is it really? Is it what society says it is? Or is it what  the unchanging, infalalable word of God says it is?
I believe it is what God says, contrary to society. We can know, in our limited way, an absolute truth of right and wrong.
And, the recent Supreme Court's definition of marriage will not change my position at all. I will still use the definition from the Bible, God's infallible Word, which is a life time commitment between one man and I e woman.
           -  T. Meiers

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