Saturday, June 6, 2015

Grace Alone

"When the Reformers spoke about "grace alone" they were saying that sinners have no claim upon God, none at all; that God owes them nothing but punishment for their sins; and, if he saves them in spite of their sins, which he does in the case of those who are being saved, it is because it pleases him to do it and for no other reason.

Today, large number of evangelicals undermine and effectively destroy this doctrine by supposing that human beings are basically good … if we are saved, in the final analysis it is because of our good decision to receive the Jesus who is offered to us."

       -  James Montgomery Boice

As a side note, I attended Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia when I was living there, around 1989 and heard Dr. Boice preach many times. I was always glad for that time in my life when I was able to learn what I could from his teaching.

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