Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Being young, and getting older

"But there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do, once you find them"
         -   Time in a bottle , Jim Croce

When you are young it appears that you have all he time but no idea what to do.
Once you figure it out, your out of time.
Once you get close, it seems like the time is gone. Frustrating for me. But I don't regret anything,
There is a time for everything under the sun.
Of course, hindsight is 20/20, things I know now would influence my decisions I made back then.                                                         
   I would go back, but only if I knew what I know now. I'm thinking mostly of college, and the few years past that.  I've always wanted to be associated with Reformed theology. I always believed those things, but didn't know what to call it. I was Reformed, and I didn't even know it. Actually,  I am a lot more Reformed now than I was when I was a student . I guess it's a process, and I wasn't quite ready for it all yet. 
When I was a college student,  Reformed theology was the same as it is now.                     
 None of it has changed. I just didn't understand it like I do now. Not that I have it all figured out, but I am at a different level of understanding. I think that can be described as sanctification.                 And I told my daughter, that she is light years ahead of where I was at that age. I had to battle against 20 years of Arminianism and free will teaching, that it took me 30 years past that to get to this point, each church we went to on our journey, brought me closer to the Truth. Each church on different points on the spectrum.
And now, I find myself hopefully able to discern false teaching and get to the Truth.   Hopefully, understanding more, growing closer, sanctification being the process involved.
And it is a journey, and it will always continue, as long as we are on this earth.
So, too the young folks here, just getting into being Reformed, I am so glad God has opened your eyes to the Truth, and just give it time.                                                            And to the older folks, be patient with the others, they may not have the benefit of experience, but they have the excitement that we all need sometimes.
They have wide eyed newness that I see on the campus. We all need that shot of energy and be reminded of why we are all here.                                                               
  To Glorify God and do His will.                    
 To make disciples and preach the gospel.
To go to the ends of the earth, and to go across the street.
And do all this for His glory.
               -  T. Meiers June 2015

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