Friday, May 8, 2015


"The Reformed faith also eliminates the "worry" aspect of evangelism. Have you ever heard someone say that he is to blame for another person not becoming a Christian because he never talked to that person about Christ or shared the gospel with him or her? God commands us to always be "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15 b), but we do not have to live in fear that a friend or relative will go to hell if we do not do so. If someone is elect, God will find a willing secondary cause to bring that person to Himself. Neither should we worry if we only introduce the gospel to a friend who then moves away. Again, God's promise to complete the good work He begins provides comfort. If God uses a believer to plant a seed, He can bring another to water it."

~ Craig R. Brown, The Five Dilemmas of Calvinism

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