Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What is our nature?

"The reason no one can come to Jesus (John 6:44) is that it is not our nature to come. It is our nature, and therefore our will, to flee from Christ, not come to him. The fact is, and a sad fact at that, we do not want to come. We are delighted not to come. We willingly and freely and voluntarily choose to stay in our sin and unbelief, because we find nothing at all in Jesus that is alluring, appealing, truthful, or in any way an improvement on what we already are and have on our own. Were we ever to come to the point of wanting to come to Christ for life, we could do so. Indeed, Jesus says we most assuredly will (John 6:37)! But such "wanting," such "coming," is not of our own making. It is of God. It is of the Father who in eternity past "gave" us to the Son and now in time "draws" us to faith. Simply put, no one, of himself or herself, wants to be saved. But whoever, by God's power, is made willing shall be saved!"

~ Sam Storms, Chosen for Life, A Case for Divine Election

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