Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We need thinking Christians

"I am convinced the great problem in America today is that people are not thinking. It's a cultural phenomenon that has spilled over into the church. It is not just that there is a lack of a Christian way of thinking-a "Christian Mind"-but there is hardly a mind at all. In our day and age people, Christian and non-Christian alike, just do not think. We act and we react, but we do not consider and contemplate. There are many ways to explain this phenomenon: secularism, relativism, materialism, or just the fast pace of our lives. But we cannot overestimate the fact that our society has become so obsessed with entertainment that it has never learned to think. And this is because we have embraced a television culture rather than the print-based culture of our ancestors."
    -  James Montgomery Boice, Modern Reformation Magazine, July 1994
And, how much more so now. This was written 21 years ago, and we have gone so much further into non-thinking. Entertainment has reached so far even into the church that we feel a worship service must be entertaining for people to attend. Or so watered down that we don't want to offend anyone. Just come for the coffee and donuts and hear a little talk about being nice to people and sing some songs and go home. In a lot of churches there is no teaching, no challenge, no conviction, no talk of sin, lest someone be offended.  The Bible is offensive to sinful man. It is an offense to the pride of man. It points out man's condition and his need for a Savior and needs to be preached from our churches.  -  T. Meiers

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