Saturday, April 18, 2015

Arminianusm defined

"In the early years of the seventeenth century Jacobus Arminius, a Dutch preacher, propounded an unscriptural concept of salvation which has affected the thinking of millions of Christians around the world. To recount his views in briefest and most simple form, Arminius said: "Yes, God must provide salvation. God sent his Son into the world to pay the price of sin. And God remained in control of the redemptive work until the death of Christ had been accomplished on the cross. But there God stopped! From that point on God put the matter of salvation in the hands of man. A man must choose whether he will believe or not, and there is nothing that God can do concerning the man's decision." Ever since that time this view, which denies that God is not only the author but also the finisher of our salvation, has been called Arminianism.
The surprising consideration is that anyone could arrive at such a view while professing to accept the whole Bible as the inspired Word of God."
                -  Rev. Gordon Girod

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