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An odd combination of Reformed theology posts, Bob Dylan out takes, gluten-free recipes, thoughts of mine, and anything else I find interesting on the interwebs. I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thoughts on Preaching and the Church

Weak  Imperfect men  get up and try to teach what is perfect, what is innerant, what is true and right and just. These men try to convey to others the truth of Gods word in all its glory and majesty. We all must rely on the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, all of us, as to the meaning and glean all the riches we can out of each verse. We must rely on God to open our eyes and convey to us the Truth of His Word. We must rely on God to melt this stubborn and prideful heart of stone. And only God can do that. Only God through His Holy Spirit living inside of us can regenerate sinful man. Without God all of us are sinful, depraved creatures. We would be slaves to sin, unable to do anything holy, or just, or right on our own.
So let's get rid of the entertainment, the idea that church should be a show. This is not a concert or a circus. One church I attended had clowns and magicians and balloon artists and jugglers in the lobby. I was trying to think of some kind of theological object lesson and the only one I could come up with was "Are you juggling too many sins?" The next week they had popcorn and donuts and I think they had more coffee pots than Bibles there. Too many things are a distraction to why we come to church at all.  Do we have to have coffee shops with pastries and donuts and make everyone so comfortable all the time?
Steve Lawson said "A worship service should not resemble the world as much as possible, but be as much like heaven as it can be."
And it can't be like heaven with distractions, amusements, and entertainment.
I am saying what I wish I could have heard sitting in the pews. Every once in a while I would hear a pastor and say yes this is challenging me and making me grow or yes that is exactly what I need to hear. Too many times I heard fluff,  filler, and ear tickling and just words that I think the pastor thought that we wanted to hear. But I wonder how many others were thinking the same thing? Where is the meat? Where is the challenge?:Where is the conviction?
Where is the learning? I heard Steve Lawson say one time "God's Word is a double edged sword not a feather."
As Spurgeon once said "Let the Lion out of the cage." And I echo that. Let the Lion out and let all attackers come and He will defend. The Lion of Judah does not need help in His defense. He is perfectly capable of His own defense because He is perfect.
He will be proven pure just, and true.
The Word is capable of teaching, rebuking, comforting and providing.
So we should LET the Word teach, rebuke, comfort, and provide, and get out of the way. I heard John Macarthur say " It would be a shame if someone came to church looking for God and the preacher shows up."
So my job is to present the Gospel clearly, without apology, and without hesitation, and get out of the way.
His word will be proven reliable, trustworthy, and infallible.
And I hope to hear, as I hope you do also, on that final day, "Well done good and faithful servant."
- T. Meiers

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